Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So, I pulled out the sewing machine last night. I actually did manage to thread it and get the bobbin thread to work. I grabbed an ugly, oversized advertising t-shirt, a crayon and a shirt that fits the way I like.

I drew around the shirt I liked onto the shirt I didn't. Then I sewed zig-zag on the crayon drawing. I didn't necessarily mean to sew zig-zag, but I, um, well, I get impatient with instructions. Then I decided zig-zag isn't such a bad idea on knit. Then I figured out how to get it to stop sewing satin stitch.

The shape is fine below the armpits. From there though? The shoulders still droop on the arms and look really wrong. So I think the next step is to trace the neck line of a tank top I like and cut it out and then sew a hem there. I've been toying with the idea of using a piece of t-shirt of a contrasting color to add a little interest. I also need to shorten it by about a foot. But I'm a little shy about actually cutting the shirt, so far everything I've done is reversible.

I did find a couple of pairs of shorts at the thrift store. I realized just how much weight I've gained, though. I grabbed four pairs of shorts that should have fit and 2 pairs that should have been a little big. Yeah. The two pairs just fit and the others wouldn't close at all. My waist is still fairly trim, but my belly is getting quite large. So, I'm back to tracking my eating on fitday.

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